September: we are flying back in! Especially if you have children, this month feels like a fresh start. A period full of new adventures ... and often new challenges. Is your teenager safe on the road? And online? Some tips!
Like any season, summer has pros and cons for your business. Sunny days bring a lot of people, but too much sun or too many people make it harder and riskier to work. In this article, we reach out for some things to consider.
And then it was quiet. Your business was running like clockwork, your schedule was full ... until, overnight, you couldn't go on. Whatever the cause, you better prepare your business for unexpected interruptions. This article will get you thinking about how you will react in such a situation.
Maybe you do it because your parents did it, maybe you have your own reasons. You may prefer to do something completely different on the first sunny day of the year. The fact is: spring cleaning has its advantages. Read them here and get started with our tips for an efficient, safe spring clean.
Self-employed, entrepreneur, manager, partner, freelancer ... Whatever you call yourself, whatever your specialty is: when you have your own business, you have the helm in your own hands. But unfortunately, you can never control everything. However, you can prepare and read up.
Every human life goes through ups & downs. And preparing for everything is unfortunately impossible. But as we have often experienced, a man is worth two. That is why we have gathered here the most important things you can prepare for.