For many Belgian families, the spring break is synonymous with a skiing holiday. For you too? And has it been a while since you've been on the slopes because of the pandemic? Then these tips will certainly help you!
How to return to skiing safely
Work on your basic fitness in the weeks before your skiing holiday. A fit body is less prone to injury. Exercises that target the right muscles are no superfluous luxury. In addition, do not forget to warm up before and stretch afterwards.
Take skiing lessons again. A private refresher course is the fastest, although it costs a bit more. A private instructor is the only one who can perfectly pick up on what you already know and what you need to refine. After a few hours you will be back on the slopes with confidence.
Use appropriate equipment. Buy or hire well-maintained skis that are adjusted to your size. And wear goggles that filter out the bright light on the slopes so you can really see where you are skiing.
Warm up your "ski muscles" on an easy slope, or on one that you find rather daunting. No matter how experienced you are, a ski slope is different every day. So take it easy at first, feel what the situation is like at the moment.
Do not overestimate yourself. Take the time to learn to assess your own abilities correctly again. Do not keep skiing if you are tired.
Don't be under any illusions: if you haven't skied or snowboarded for a long time, sooner or later you will crash. A helmet and possibly a back protector prevent serious injuries.
A skiing accident while travelling?
Another skier you didn't see coming? An unfortunate fall from a ski lift? Too much of a stunt with your snowboard? Despite all preparations and caution, it happens sometimes.
Before your winter holiday, check that you are properly insured. The health insurance of the mutual insurance company reimburses some things, but this is usually limited.
We therefore recommend that you also consider travel insurance. It covers a larger part of your costs if you are injured (or fall ill) abroad and need care or repatriation. They often also cover extras, such as damage to your luggage, legal aid or cancellation.
So you can enjoy that long-awaited skiing holiday to the fullest and with peace of mind.
What about travelling in corona time?
Do you have to cancel your trip because you are suddenly not allowed to enter your holiday country? Did you catch COVID-19 during the après-ski?
A prepared skier is worth two. Check in advance [what your KBC Brussels insurance covers].
We recommend that you inform yourself thoroughly about the corona measures in your ski area before you book. Also look up how the local experts see the corona situation developing.
To sum up: travel insurance is definitely useful when you are doing winter sports abroad. We are here to help you choose between the different formulas and options.